In a successful networking discussion, both parties openly share information without fear of reprisal or being “evaluated” for an opportunity. Presumably, there is no opportunity at stake (and, therefore, the angst that accompanies the interview process—Am I the best candidate? Will I be invited back for a second interview? Will an offer be made?—should not be entering the equation). Hence, you can be at ease in relating facts about your background and ask questions openly. Here are some key numbers to remember when it comes to methods of successful job search and how you allocate your time: • For executives, up to 10% find new positions through working with recruiters/executive search firms • Traditional classifieds can account for how 10% find new jobs • Fewer than 5% find their jobs via the internet • Combined, mass distribution of resumes and outplacement accounts for less than 2% of all new positions found • Depending upon level, 65-75% of all jobs are found through networking … and this number is even higher for C-suite and senior executives.
These Top 10 Trends in Human Resources, as detailed by The Society of Human Resource Management in its SHRM 2004-2005 Workplace Forecast: A Strategic Outlook, were reported today by Susan Whitcomb, executive director of Career Masters Institute. 1. Rise in health care costs Related Employment Trends … Linked to the above are these developments: 1. Rise in health care costs 2. Lower HR-to-staff-to-employee ratios 3. Employee demand for flexible work schedules 4. Managing talent 5. Workplace privacy concerns of employees 6. Continued linking of pay to performance 7. Telecommuting 8. Employee demands for customized employment relationships 9. Greater demand for time off 10. Backlash against managed care – Jan Melnik, MRW, CCM, CPRW, President, Absolute Advantage
2. Focus on domestic safety and security
3. Use of technology to communicate with employees
4. Growing complexity of legal compliance
5. Use of technology to perform transactional HR functions
6. Focus on global security
7. Preparing for the next wave of retirement and labor shortage
8. Use and development of e-learning
9. Exporting of US manufacturing jobs to developing countries
10. Changing definition of family