Jan's Blog
Be inspired. It's your career. It's your life.

July 2024
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Career Thought Leaders Launches!
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 8:31 pm

Hello Colleagues!

This past summer, 10 career industry thought leaders joined Executive Director Wendy Enelow at Glen Springs Entrepreneurial Center, her 35-acre farm in southwestern Virginia. The mission? To create a think tank to share innovations, trends, best practices, and other key resources and information in every area of the careers and employment field. It was during that remarkable weekend that the Career Thought Leaders Consortium was born - www.CareerThoughtLeaders.com.

Our Career Thought Leader (CTL) goals are straightforward:

* To create, innovate, and share best practices that work today
* To identify, forecast, and share trends that will work tomorrow
* To share articles, blogs, and other intellectual capital through our library postings
* To establish industry-wide standards for performance across all career-industry disciplines
* To collaborate with our peers on thought leader projects around the globe

At our initial planning meeting, we envisioned a dynamic, content-rich website of best-in-class careers information. And in just a few short weeks, our vision has sprung to life!

As such, I am excited to introduce you to CareerThoughtLeaders.com, where you’ll find a wealth of information:

* Best Practices in 10 distinct areas of career management. Each Best Practice compilation is brought to you by a recognized Thought Leader in that particular field–Jan Melnik on Career Management, Susan Whitcomb on Coaching, Sheila Curran on College/University Career Centers, Beverly Harvey on Job Search, Cindy Kraft on Networking and Niche Marketing, Donna Moniot on Outplacement, Deb Dib on Branding, Louise Kursmark on Resumes and Career Marketing Communications, Chandlee Bryan on Social Media, Elisabeth Sanders-Park on Tough Career Transitions, and Wendy Enelow on the Best Practices in Entrepreneurship!

* Dozens of articles and blog postings from all of the Career Thought Leaders providing insightful advice.

Already rich with 100+ pages of content, CareerThoughtLeaders.com will continue to expand as we add and constantly evolve industry trends, resources, programs, and events.

The Career Thought Leaders Consortium is NOT a professional association or membership organization. It is simply a gathering of like-minded professionals who are passionate about advancing the state of our profession and the success of our colleagues and clients. All Thought Leaders continue to operate our own professional practices and remain “in the trenches” with our clients. As such, our knowledge will continue to evolve–and we’ll be sure to share what we find through CareerThoughtLeaders.com.

Check out the website, use the resources, read the articles, study the best practices, and watch for more information, programs, and events. And let us know what you’re thinking about the state of our industry and the services and information that can best help our clients and colleagues. Also, if you’re interested, be sure to join our LinkedIn Group, open to all career professionals. Just visit the group page on LinkedIn and search for Career Thought Leaders.

Through active collaboration, we all become stronger, better informed, and more capable. Not to mention, we create a community that will benefit us all!

– Jan Melnik, MRW, CCM, CPRW, President, Absolute Advantage
on Twitter

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