Jan's Blog
Be inspired. It's your career. It's your life.

July 2024
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Job Seeking? Amp up Your Efforts!
Filed under: Job Search
Posted by: site admin @ 8:35 am

It may seem counterintuitive to put your foot on the job-search accelerator between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, but this is exactly the advice I’ve been delivering to clients and job-seekers who attend my workshops for the past few months–*and* for the past decade or more!

A recent News Tribune article, courtesy of CareerManagementAlliance.com, captures some of the key points I recommend:

* It’s a mistake to lose your momentum by taking a break.
* Because so many job-seekers *think* it’s a poor time to hunt, you’ll be competing with
far fewer candidates.
* Employers are still at work, and in the quieter time before the holiday, it may be more convenient, and they may have more time to speak with a job seeker.
* A number of organizations will want to be making new hires come the first of the year… you will already be in play, on their radar.
* Many offices limit the time staff can take off, making it a good time to call on an employer.
* Offer to invite the employer/decision maker to coffee for a warm meeting.

* Send holiday notes to thank people who have helped with your professional life this year.

* Send a holiday greeting to establish a warm connection with someone you don’t know…it may just open the door you need.
* Make holiday parties a time to build relationships with people who may be valuable in your network.
* Connect with family, the often forgotten connections in a job search. They have jobs and may know companies in the community that may be on the move or in a transition, and need your talent to fit a particular spot.
* Set regular business hours for your job search, and build in time for fun, to keep your life balanced.
* If you are unemployed for the first time in years, take a little extra time to enjoy family and festivities while devoting those regular hours to job search.
* If you have decided to take a few weeks off from the search entirely at the end of the year, put in place a plan that will allow you to jump out of the gates the first of the year. Then relax.
* Remember that the job search is temporary–a blip in the scheme of things–that will eventually end with a good result. Remain positive!

– Jan Melnik, MRW, CCM, CPRW, President, Absolute Advantage

Be inspired. It’s your career. It’s your life.

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